SIP2 server conversation language code

SIP2 server conversation language code found in the self-check system manual

A validcode is a three-digit number.

Language Code
Unknown (default) 000 (the language is not specified)
English 001
French 002
German 003
Italian 004
Dutch 005
Swedish 006
Finnish 007
Spanish 008
Danish 009
Portuguese 010
Canadian-French 011
Norwegian 012
Hebrew 013
Japanese 014
Russian 015
Arabic 016
Polish 017
Greek 018
Chinese 019
Korean 020
North American Spanish 021
Tamil 022
Malay 023
United Kingdom 024
Icelandic 025
Belgian 026
Taiwanese 027

Author ignored when role set in subfield 100$e

overriding these lines:

author2               = custom, getAuthorsFilteredByRelator(700abcd,700,secondAuthorRoles)
author2_variant       = custom, getAuthorInitialsFilteredByRelator(700a,700,secondAuthorRoles)
author2_fuller        = custom, getAuthorsFilteredByRelator(700q,700,secondAuthorRoles)
author2_role          = custom, getRelatorsFilteredByRelator(700abcd,700,secondAuthorRoles)

with these lines in your

author2               = custom, getAuthorsFilteredByRelator(100abcd:700abcd,700,secondAuthorRoles)
author2_variant       = custom, getAuthorInitialsFilteredByRelator(100a:700a,700,secondAuthorRoles)
author2_fuller        = custom, getAuthorsFilteredByRelator(100q:700q,700,secondAuthorRoles)
author2_role          = custom, getRelatorsFilteredByRelator(100abcd:700abcd,700,secondAuthorRoles)

koha remove 245$c from search by title

1- edit the file

remove theses lines

<index_data_field tag=”245″>

2- run this command

 xsltproc /etc/koha/zebradb/xsl/koha-indexdefs-to-zebra.xsl /etc/koha/zebradb/marc_defs/marc21/biblios/biblio-koha-indexdefs.xml > /etc/koha/zebradb/marc_defs/marc21/biblios/biblio-zebra-indexdefs.xsl

3- rebuild  zebra

 sudo koha-rebuild-zebra -b -f -v <yourInstance>